At Vision Excellence, we acknowledge the diverse optical and medical factors that can contribute to visual impairments. Our dedicated optometrist and team at the Norwest practice offer unbiased guidance on prevalent eye conditions and various vision correction options. They are equipped to recommend or provide insights into each available method.
The main optical disorders of the eye causing vision problems are:
Myopia (short-sightedness or near-sightedness)
This is a condition where the focussing mechanism at the front of the eye is too strong or eyeball itself is too long. People with myopia may be able to see clearly up close but they have difficulty seeing at long distance.
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Hypermetropia, or hyperopia (long-sightedness or far-sightedness)
This is a condition where the focussing mechanism at the front of the eye is too weak or the eyeball itself is too short. People with hypermetropia may be able to see clearly in the distance but they have difficulty seeing at near.
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This is a condition where the shape of the focussing mechanism at the front of the eye is not spherical like a golf ball but is shaped more like a lemon. People with astigmatism usually have difficulty seeing clearly at any distance.
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Presbyopia (age-related change in vision)
This is a condition where the lens inside the eye has lost its flexibility and prevents clear vision at closer distances.
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All of these common eye conditions can be corrected in a number of ways, which include the traditional types of correction such as spectacles or contact lenses as well as the newer technologies such as orthokeratology (OrthoK) and surgical correction (refractive surgery). Our optometrist will advise you about the safest and most effective options to correct your vision.
The main medical disorders causing vision problems are:
This disease affects the ‘straight-ahead’ vision of the eyes. We are equipped to detect MD and monitor the macula of your eyes for changes with time.
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This disease affects the peripheral vision of the eye. We are equipped to detect the earliest signs of glaucoma and to monitor the parts of your eye affected by glaucoma over time
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This disease affects all vision, causing cloudiness, blur or dimming of vision. We are equipped to detect cataracts and to monitor changes with time.
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This disease causes astigmatism and can cause distortion of vision. We are equipped to detect keratoconus and to monitor the rate of progress.
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This disease can affect vision in different ways, depending on severity and control. We are equipped to detect all visual signs of diabetes and to monitor these changes with time.
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If we detect an eye condition or disease during your eye examination that is best managed by a surgeon or medical practitioner, we will give you a referral to an appropriate practitioner to look after your needs. We will only refer you to ethical practitioners who have demonstrated the highest quality care and share our commitment to excellence.