The RANZCO Eye Foundation ( is promoting eye health awareness through JulEYE 2013.
The emphasis of the campaign is on children’s vision to educate parents that children should have their eyes screened by an eye health professional at birth and during infancy, which should then be followed up with regular examinations throughout school.
This is particularly important if there is a family history of childhood eye or vision problems and/or if there are any signs that a child’s vision has deteriorated in some way. Vision Excellence in the Hills District has a particular interest in Children’s Eye Health.
All babies are beautiful…..They see the world through innocent eyes. We need to ensure that they continue to view the world with the best possible vision that continues throughout childhood and way into adulthood.
By the age of three, all children should have had a comprehensive eye health screening.
Premature (low birth weight) babies are at increased risk of specific eye problems.
Newborns should be examined to detect any abnormality of the eyes. Seek guidance from your paediatrician if you are concerned. As a guide: at six to eight weeks of age, infants should be able to fixate and follow their parents’ faces, and eye movements should be normal. Turned or crossed eyes require immediate examination.
Pre-school aged children require critical screening for the detection of amblyopia (lazy eye) and other causes of poor vision, which are often undetected as there are few outward signs. Amblyopia can occur in up to two per cent of young children and early treatment is imperative as amblyopia can only be corrected in childhood. If it remains untreated, vision loss will be permanent and it is not possible to improve vision in these cases in later life.
Up to six years of age vision problems may present in the early school years where a child has difficulty with seeing what a teacher has written on the board at school, reading and close bookwork or complaints of difficulty when viewing television. These symptoms need to be assessed to ensure the correct course of action for the individual child is implemented.
At any age painful or itchy eyes, red irritable eyes or eyes discharging water or mucus suggest infection or inflammation. Prompt attention should be sought in these cases.
Vision Excellence offers a specifically designed Children’s Vision Assessment.
Our optometrist and orthoptist both have extensive experience with children’s vision and will thoroughly assess your child’s vision. If necessary, a treatment plan can be implemented and a comprehensive report can be provided if required for other practitioners.