Spring has almost sprung! Windy August reminds us that Spring is just around the corner. It often also triggers those pesky allergies. Red, itchy, watery eyes, snuffly or runny nose, coughing and sneezeing…. ahhh the joys of spring! There are a plethora of products that claim to bring relief but which one is best for you? Before...Read More
We are constantly on the move. We travel by plane, train, bus and car. Whether for business, pleasure or just the day to day mundane, for any of you who get a little queasy on the road or in the air, you definitely want to have some ginger handy. Ginger is an anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal but...Read More
Learn how diet and nutrition play an important role in the health of your eyes in this series of informative articles written by experts in vision and eye health. Which are the best eye supplements? Can diet and nutrition protect against eye-related diseases? And can fish oil relieve dry eyes? To find out these answers...Read More
Are your eyes over 40? Are you a woman? … then you’ve probably noticed things starting to change. Not least of which are your eyes. Most notably, presbyopia — the normal, age-related loss of near focusing ability — usually develops at this time. Women at this time are much more likely than men to develop dry eyes...Read More
Update on google glass, now worn by surgeons in the USA…. *source MiVision Australia and New Zealand August 2013 What was your experience? See the Google Glass Spectacles experience: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-y3bEjEVV8 With an official price tag of $1,500, ( this was the price set for competition winners who were able to get Google Glass early), there are hopes that ...Read More
Chromostereopsis is a visual illusion whereby the impression of depth is conveyed in two-dimensional color images, usually of red-blue or red-green colors, but can also be perceived with red-grey or blue-grey images. Such illusions have been reported for over a century and have generally been attributed to some form of chromatic aberration. Chromatic aberration results...Read More
The RANZCO Eye Foundation (www.vision2020australia.org.au) is promoting eye health awareness through JulEYE 2013. The emphasis of the campaign is on children’s vision to educate parents that children should have their eyes screened by an eye health professional at birth and during infancy, which should then be followed up with regular examinations throughout school. This is...Read More
Australians are not looking after their eyes; many adults never have eye tests. AUSTRLIANS have a surprisingly short-sighted approach to looking after their eyes despite survey results that show many fear blindness more than cancer. Despite 75 per cent of blindness being preventable, millions of people have their eyes tested only if they are having trouble...Read More
An average human, utterly unremarkable in every way, can perceive a million different colors. Vermilion, puce, cerulean, periwinkle, chartreuse—we have thousands of words for them, but mere language can never capture our extraordinary range of hues. Our powers of color vision derive from cells in our eyes called cones, three types in all, each triggered...Read More
Would you lick someone else’s eyeball? This odd new trend started by school-aged children and teenagers in Japan is also called ‘worming’ or oculolinctus. A teacher in Japan told CBS News that he caught two sixth graders licking each others eyeballs and then after doing his own independent survey, he found that one-third of the...Read More